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Monday, May 23, 2011

Recall the names given to different trophic levels to include producers, primary, secondary and tertiary consumers and decomposers. 

- Word "Trophic" means to feed, so we are looking at the names given to the different feeding levels.

- A carrot plant here is doing photosynthesis. The carrot fly is eating parts of the carrot plant because it is a herbivore. And the Flycatcher is eating the carrot fly because it is a carnivore. And a carnivore eating another carnivore makes it the Top Carnivore because it is at the top of the food chain.

- Other names exist used in ecology are given to each level.

The Carrot Plant = Producer (turning light energy into chemical energy)

The Carrot Fly = Primary Consumer (taking in the chemical energy of the plant, and turning it into chemical energy of the fly.

The Fly Catchers = Secondary Consumer (eats the primary consumers - changing chemical energy from one form to another)

Top Carnivore = Tertiary Consumer (eats the secondary consumer - changing chemical energy from one form to another)

- All of these organisms at some point will DIE, at which point they are broken down by organisms called Decomposers

Examples of Decomposers: Fungi and Bacteria

They are important in the recycling of molecules - often breaking down the complex molecules into nitrates and phosphates.

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